10th September 1917 Monday

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC

Location shown on trench map

Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland. https://maps.nls.uk/index.html

“We remained at Malakoff Farm until 10th September when we moved to Elverdinghe Station, and trained it to International Corner. From there we moved to Sutton Camp – a tent and hut encampment in a wood. Quite a nice spot and close to the tank battalions.”
The train journey from Elverdinghe to International Corner. According to the map key on this 1918 map it is shown as a standard gauge single track line, however it wasn’t included on the 1917 map indicating that it was probably a temporary light railway, possibly metre gauge. The modern topography retains no trace of an engineered railway track.


International Corner is the lower crossroad Koekuitstraat and Legerweg. The railway crossed Eikhokstraat at the junction just above Tempeliersdreef before crossing that road to the south.

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here

One Response to 10th September 1917 Monday

  • We have received the following interesting comment from Trevor Edmonds:

    The entry for 10 September 1917 refers to a railway trip from Elverdinghe to International Corner where you were uncertain about the gauge. While this trip could be made by light railway using the A1 Line, it would be more likely on the broad gauge Bergues-Boesinghe Line. The meter gauge in the immediate area was not generally used for military purposes.

    Railways built during the war were not usually shown on the 1:40,000 maps and the larger scale maps were generally a bit behind with the railways. The line from Bergues to Boesinghe was built between March and June 1916 and duplicated by June 1917. In September 1917 the line was being operated by the 60th Australian Broad Gauge Railway Operating Company, with re-ballasting of the line being carried out by the 112th Railway Company, RE.

    Given the location of Malakoff Farm, Dr Page probably boarded the train at Waenebeke Station (which was at Elverdinghe), rather than Elverdinghe Station, which was to the west of the town . There were 8 troop trains recorded as running on the Boesinghe Line that day.

    Hope this is of help.

    Trevor Edmonds