5th September 1919 Friday
A Drinking Orgy and a Loose Woman!
All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC
“During the day we perambulated the decks, or played bridge in the comfortable smoke-room. We had a sing-song nearly every night. Two or three Russian Nursing Sisters were aboard also – one of them a thorough bad lot. The O.C. Troop – Colonel Dale – spoke to us at a meeting in the saloon about this woman, and caused the immediate surroundings of the cabins to be put out of bounds. Some of the wilder spirits amongst the officers had a disgusting drinking orgy on the first night out, and the Colonel threatened to put them in irons if it occurred again.
On the second day out we saw the coast of Norway. It looked very bleak, rugged and forbidding.”

A scene on deck.

A Russian refugee-Our Theatre Sister at 85th General Hospital. (Hopefully not the “thorough bad lot”!)
Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here