3rd December 1915 Friday
All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC.
On the morning of the 3rd he was on board a London and South Western Train to Farnham eventually arriving back at Tweseldown Training Camp. Tweseldown Camp was near Farnham on the Hampshire / Surrey border, used by the Royal Army Medical Corps in the First World War for young officer training. Douglas had signed up as a corporal in the 18th Royal Fusiliers formed as a public school and university battalion and received his commission there only a few days before, on the 22nd November. The new lieutenant was immediately sent to Southampton to join the hundreds of men amassing there. Once there he was assigned as a Medical Officer to the 38th Welsh Division. Although a Scot, Douglas as all medics would have been, would be assigned to wherever his skills were needed, in this case he would be attached to a Welsh division, the 38th.
Many of the men from the South Wales valleys in the 38th Welsh had been training at Flower Down Camp at Winchester. Some of these would later team up with Douglas in France when he would be assigned to the 130th (St. John) Field Ambulance. Remarkably, British Pathé on their website have unique footage of Queen Mary inspecting the troops at Flower Down and you can see it here.
That afternoon, the men would embark on the S.S Karnak, 230 men and officers set sail.
Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here