28th May 1916 Sunday
All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC.
As May was coming to a close fighting had intensified and the hospital was kept busy, especially during the night. Sunday morning came with a stroll through the town.
“On Sunday 28th May I witnessed a very pretty sight. A procession of children to church. The little girls were clad in white and the boys wore bowler hats and carried white wands. It was their first communion.
A German Aeroplane flew over during the progress of the procession through the main street and a ‘dud’ anti-aircraft shell (British) fell into a field close to the church. The excitement was terrific. The children and their admiring parents and friends scattered in panic. It was pitiful to see them and many of the little girls were knocked down and their pretty dresses ruined. Order was soon restored and there were many laughs amongst the scared Frenchmen at the fright they had got.
One day one of the captive balloons (sausages) broke loose and drifted over our heads and away over the Bosche lines. The two occupants jumped out with parachutes and we were very relieved to see them land safely and unhurt”.
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