12th September 1917 Wednesday

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC

“I got leave on the 12th September (Wednesday), and felt very elated. I was motored to Poperinghe in an ambulance car. The train didn’t leave until 1.30 a.m. on the 13th September. It was hopelessly slow going to Calais, at which port we arrived about 9.30 a.m. We were bundled into motor lorries at the station, and motored direct to the boat which left at 10.30 a.m. with a big crowd on board. A hospital ship crossed with us, and we were escorted by four destroyers, and some aeroplanes. It was a short passage across to Dover. We saw the cliffs of Dover almost all the way.”

Allied troops at Poperinghhe September 1917  https://oorlogskantschool.wordpress.com/vluchtroutes/

Allied troops at Poperinghhe September 1917

The above pictures from https://oorlogskantschool.wordpress.com/vluchtroutes/

The above pictures from https://oorlogskantschool.wordpress.com/vluchtroutes/

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here