30th January 1919 Thursday

Open for Business

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC

“On Wednesday, January 30th*, our famous hospital opened its doors, and patients streamed in from near and far. I was put in charge of four wards – two surgical and two medical – and had fifty odd patients dumped on me during the afternoon. It was a great game getting them all sorted out. They were nearly all transfers from No. 53 Stationary Hospital in Archangel, and the amount of literature they brought with them in the way of case sheets, medical histories etc just about gave me a fit when I started to unravel it all. My patients consisted of Britishers and Russians, but there was one Chinaman amongst them. I was working till late at night getting things put straight in my wards, but was very glad to be at work again.”

The main entrance to the hospital

The main entrance to the hospital

*In 1919 30th January was a Thursday.

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here