6th to 19th August 1916

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC.

“On  August 6th, in brilliant sunny weather we moved about a mile forward into “L Camp”. It was rather crowded as the 15th, and 16th RWF (Royal Welsh Fusiliers) were in the same camp. I shared a tent with the Padre, and here we remained resting, refitting and recuperating after the Somme Battle until the 20th of the month. I had lots to do in training new stretcher-bearers, planning latrines, lecturing to the troops on health matters, inoculating officers and men against typhoid, etc. The weather was generally very hot and sunny and we soon got well  tanned.

In the evenings we usually went into “Pop” for dinner at “Skindles” and when we got back to camp had great rags – letting down tents on peacefully-sleeping occupants etc.

HM King George V passed by our camp on the 15th in a large car, but didn’t stop to inspect us. We gave him a great cheer.”

Poperinghe Town Hall


This building was used by the British as a hospital, but was wrecked by bombs and shells towards the end of 1916

Poperinghe: this building was used by the British as a hospital, but was wrecked by bombs and shells towards the end of 1916

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here