8th to 11th November 1916
All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC.
“On November 8th, I motored up to Trois Tours Chateau to take medical charge of the 14th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, whose own doctor was on leave. Next day the battalion went into the trenches – my luck as usual! We took on from the 13th Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and I met Col. Campbell, Major Lloyd and all the old gang up there during the handing over. On going round the trenches next day I found them very muddy, and full of water in parts. There was no artillery activity, but lots of aeroplanes were up, it being a lovely clear sunny day. I got a fright when a ‘dud’ anti-aircraft (archie) shell fell quite close to me. I had to rush up to Lancashire Farm in the afternoon to a man who was badly hit, and burned by a shell which burst in the dug-out! He wasn’t killed either! We had a great trench-mortar stunt at night. Fifteen-hundred rounds were fired and the artillery butted in too. The din was terrific.
I was relieved on the 11th, and got back to Proven that night.”
Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here