5th October 1917 Friday

A long stint ‘Up the Line’

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC

“We went ‘up the line’ on the evening of October 5th and took over from the 16th R.W.F. It was a long relief, and we didn’t get settled down until after 11 o’clock to our six days of trench life.

As before I visited the various posts each morning. I also planned and supervised the erection of our Advanced Aid Post in the Orchard, which would do for a resting place. when bringing wounded from the front posts to my Battalion Aid Post; or where I could be in the event of a ‘Straffe’ by either party – British or Hun.”

Distance from Desalanque Farm to the area known as the Orchard

Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland. https://maps.nls.uk/index.html

The 13th RWF relieved the 16th RWF as they alternated on 6 day shifts in the front line. This seems to have been an unusually long term of duty in the trenches and the men would have done well to enjoy their rest periods in between knowing it could be their last. The map above shows the short distance from Desalanque Farm to the area known as the Orchard where Douglas busied himself in finding a seemingly safe place to set up his A.D.S.

The modern site of the Orchard just to the west of the main British and Allied trench system

The modern site of the Orchard just to the west of the main British and Allied trench system

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here