8th November 1918 Friday

Tour of Inspection

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC.

“On Friday, the 8th, I had a long day chasing around with Col. Carroll, the O.C., L. of C.,* and Major Turner, the Camp Commandant. We were accompanied by two other officers, and Sgt. Lofthouse, the new Sanitary Sergeant. We went via the aerodrome to the village of Malaturka on the lake in the heart of the forest about 2 miles from Obozerskaya. This lake is a lovely sheet of water – 3 miles long by about ½ mile broad – and the small village of about thirty houses lies on the north side. On the south side is a large fish-curing factory, where work has ceased since the Revolution. We crossed the lake on a raft, and selected sites for billets etc. for troops. We then walked across the fields to the Forestry Village, and then back to Obozerskaya. There was a railway smash up the line at night. The annexe train ran into another train, killing one man, and injuring two others.”

* O.C. Officer Commanding, L of C. Lines of Communication.

Colonel Jock Carroll an old campaigner recently in charge of a brigade in France and now posted by General Ironside to the Dwina front.

(c) OpenStreetMap contributors

(c) OpenStreetMap contributors

Modern map showing the lake and Oberserskaya. There is no sign of the defunct fish factory these days, the southern shore is completely given over to forest right up to the shoreline.

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here