12th March 1919 Wednesday

A Meeting on HMHS Khalyan

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC

“On Wednesday, 12th March, there was a meeting of the Allied Medical Society on the Hospital Ship ‘Khalyan’. A big crowd of medical officers of all nationalities attended, and some very interesting cases were shown. The sisters gave us a delightful tea afterwards, and I was able to see Kennedy for a few minutes. He is now convalescing from a very severe attack of typhoid fever. His case was considered hopeless at one time, but he is now very cheery, I’m glad to say. I also saw Gilmour, our eye specialist, who is ill with pleurisy.”

Captain Gilmour the eye specialist, pictured later in the year so he must have recovered from pleurisy. (Diary

Captain Gilmour the eye specialist, pictured later in the year so he must have recovered from pleurisy. (Diary)

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here