26th September 1917 Wednesday

An opulent dug-out and another death

All material produced or reproduced here and throughout this work is the sole copyright of the author and the family of Doctor D.C.M. Page MC

“Next morning (26th September), I was conducted to 13th R.W.F. Battalion HQ at Desalanque Farm – a pretty spot. I found Col. Campbell, and the others in great form, and got a grand ‘welcome home’ from all. H.Q. was situated in a series of concrete dug-outs, and my Aid Post was about 50 yds along the trench from H.Q. Mess. It was a splendid place, with tiled floors and swing doors. It had only a corrugated iron roof however, not much protection from shells! Just as I arrived the Huns sent over about 20 ‘pip-squeaks’, and one man was killed and another wounded. It was quite an exciting ‘home-coming’ for me. Lt. Friel, who acted for me when I was on leave, was glad to get away! (See plan of French system.) The communication trenches in this area I soon discovered to be in good condition, but the front support lines were very poor. The line, as a matter of fact, was held by a series of outposts. I went round the trenches each morning, calling at the four company headquarters, and inspecting latrines, and dug-outs.”

The aforementioned trench map is missing. But here is a map of the area.

From The Brewery at Bois Grenier to Desalanque Farm with the trench system as in September 1917

From The Brewery at Bois Grenier to Desalanque Farm with the trench system as in September 1917. Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland. https://maps.nls.uk/index.html

2010 view of Desalanque Farm

2010 view of Desalanque Farm

Desalanque Farm in Square 14

Desalanque Farm in Square 14. Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland. https://maps.nls.uk/index.html

Being swallowed by expanding Armentiers the modern view of Desalanque Farm

Being swallowed by expanding Armentiers the modern view of Desalanque Farm

Find out about our connection with Dr Page and an introduction to his diary here